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Mammals at Featherbrooke Estate

Our mammal list is relatively short and some of these no longer occur within the estate. Prior to the new state-of-the-art fence, we used to get Black-backed Jackal, Common Duiker and Porcupine but these may now only be seen or heard within the adjoining national botanical garden together with Mountain Reedbuck, although my last sighting of this species was in September 2011. Scrub Hare may be occasionally seen in or near Sugarbush Park. The commonest naturally occurring mice are Vlei Rat[rotundand brown with a short tail] and Striped Mouse [with 3 stripes on its back]. Along the Crocodile River, which runs along our eastern boundary, residents occasionally report Water Mongoose and it is possible that Cape Clawless Otter occur here too.


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