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Featherbrooke Estate Gardens

Featherbrooke  Estate is situated immediately alongside the Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens.  From inception it was envisaged that the parklands of Featherbrooke would maintain the indigenous ethos of The Gardens to encourage free movement of our wild birds and our small animals, which include tortoises, small buck, mongoose and in the early days of the development, jackal.

Featherbrooke boasts 27 hectares of parkland which are at the stage of development where lawns are established, trees have grown to their full size in some species, and 5km of paved walkway provide residents with an option to walk, jog or cycle in safety, surrounded by an  indigenous environment.Featherbrooke is blessed with a river which runs along the lower, north eastern boundary, the Crocodile River, which runs over beautiful waterfalls.    Beautiful  dams provide a haven for water birds, trickling rivers feed the ponds, and crabs enjoy the gulleys which move water from dam to dam. First Spring, Al Fresco, Dam Ter Brugge, The Willows, Bishop’s Court,  to name a few, enhance any stroll you might take of an afternoon or evening, or the enthusiastic early morning joggers on their daily regime!  Children find Forest Park and the beautiful bridge across the wetland a place of magic! The choice is yours!

The Parks are  at a stage where particular theme gardens can now be planned. A succulent garden has been designed by Landscape Architects, and will provide residents with an opportunity to see succulent plants of various sizes and descriptions in their own development.  As water becomes a precious commodity, we are aiming to make our parks more water-wise, making use of succulents and drought resistant veldt grasses.  These plants also encourage bird and insect life to our parks.

The Cycad Ramble park has sloped edges due to natural contours and therefore suits cycads which enjoy a situation where water does not pool around their roots.  The Cycad Ramble provides residents with an opportunity to enjoy cycads that can spread themselves out without limits since space is available.  A rare and special opportunity!

Play equipment in six of the parks and at the Clubhouse,  provide children with an area where they can enjoy a time of play activity, and the Clubhouse is available should refreshments be required. At the Clubhouse complex we have tennis courts, squash courts, a multi-sport facility, skateboard park and cricket nets.  An outdoor gym is planned for the future.

Tranquility Park adjoins an attenuation dam which is being carefully planned so as to be environmentally functional.  A special wetland will surround  the dam making it more attractive and again, the planting will be planned so as to enable waterbirds to enjoy the new ‘facility’ – their use of the wetland and the water is our priority!  Tranquillity Park adjoins an attenuation dam, which has been planted to be environmentally functional.  A wetland surrounds the dam making it more attractive and has been planted to ensure that waterbrids can enjoy the use of the wetland.

The parks are fully maintained by our Maintenance team and there is therefore no responsibility on residents to involve themselves in any way.  The gardens are there for the pleasure of all our residents, and for the continuation of our environmental policy – to leave a green footprint and a beautiful extension of The Botanical Gardens.

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